Painting with Felicia Forte

Finding your voice in an authentic way

To uncover our voices we must create an environment of curiosity and inspired limitation that fosters authenticity in our work. In my own journey to my voice I have discovered so much richness in my inner landscape. Our beliefs, desires, and fears directly affect our ability to express ourselves truly.

Self awareness coupled with practical experimentation empower your creative practice.

I will work with each artist where they’re at right now. Whether you need to hone your technique, break through your limiting beliefs, or experiment with new ideas - we will work together to clear your creative path forward. Think of this as a think tank, a brainstorm, a laboratory.

In my workshops I will offer a scene to work from as our subject. A live model, objects, theme, atmosphere. Each artist will find what interests them in this scene, allowing for the widest range of tastes to participate. I will work in oil as it is where my expertise lies, but my students may use any medium they favor. I will offer my supply list but I do not require students to adhere to it.

I welcome artists of all levels of experience to join this workshop.